Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are you in Vogue?

I have talked about lifestyle and life in general, so it must be about time to funk it up a little and talk about style.

When I talk about style I mean fashion.

Are you up with the latest trends for the coming season? Or should I say: are you in vogue?

I find it quite interesting to see what the next fashion is going to be and amazed as to how it evolves. My mother often says that she should have kept things from when she was a young adult. It is a bit of a worry that fashions from 30 to 40 years ago are making a come back. But I have to say that with the style and attitudes of today, the items of clothing maybe the same; however, they are worn in a particular manner making it stylie!

As a child born in the 80s I often find myself talking with other people born of the same era and discussing what we use to wear. Slouch socks, bike pants, clothes made by our mothers, skivvies with images, velcro shoes, and for guys the classic Origin jeans (what colour did you have).

Today is a lot different, as children go to school with the latest labels. I on the other hand would have got my first label at the age of 13. Was I deprived? I don’t think so. Back then it was a treat to get a labelled item of clothing.

What is in vogue this winter?

After looking around the shops in the local mall I have noticed that for girls it is all about tights, shirt dresses, pinafores, cardis, scarfs, coats and like every other season; boots. For the guys, well to be honest I haven’t taken as much notice.

Click girl and guy for latest fashions that relate to your gender.

A word of advice: if you feel good in your outfit, work it. But if you feel slightly unsure, change it. There is nothing worse than someone constantly tugging on their outfit as it shouts; self conscious!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Life Process

Life is all about process. There are moments in life that you would prefer never to mention. However, it is the tough times that make life; life. The triumph and victory in the end is so much more satisfying. Life would be too easy if we didn’t have a little bump in the road. It is that bump that will make you stronger and a better person.

What does process mean? According to a process is a method of doing something, involving steps or operations which are usually ordered and/or interdependent. It is also mentioned on that there are several procedures that reflect a process.

In terms of life process an equation could be put together:

Trouble (bump in the road, valley) + Procedure (actions taken to solve trouble) = Process (fingers crossed; resolved).

When you are feeling in the valley and the mountain top seems unachievable, think again. By ordering your steps correctly and effectively this will ensure that you will get out of the valley and before you know it you will be singing from the mountain tops. However, if you wallow in self pity, “woe is me”, then that valley will get boggy and the mountain top will become extremely difficult to reach, but still achievable.

If one remains positive and discerns what needs to be resolved in order to get out of the valley then everything will be all right. The key is not to let the problem get the better of you. Use discernment and wisdom to acknowledge it and deal to it immediately.

Situations in life get out of hand due to not dealing to the matter as it arises and continuing to tell yourself that it’s not a big deal with the hope of it going away.

Next time you find yourself in a mice or elephant sized predicament think: how am I going to get through this? The faster I’m through this the sooner I can party!

Life is worth living; it is how you live that makes it worthwhile and enjoyable.

You only live once.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What's Your Lifestyle?

What sort of lifestyle would you say you lead?
Have you ever thought that the elements surrounding you may influence your lifestyle?

When it came time to moving out of home my mum gave me some advice. Advice that is extremely beneficial when choosing who you are going to live with. My mum said “you can determine ones lifestyle or living habits by the state of their bedroom”. Very wise words from my mother.

So what does she mean by how a bedroom is?

From past experience if one’s room is messy more often than it is tidy that person may care less for the rest of the house. But then it can also be viewed that someone’s room may be untidy for a specific reason. Maybe the person is hardly home in a week and has literally gone in and out of their room: dumping stuff, changing clothes. Then getting home late at night and just wanting to crash out and before you know it the room is a mess.
A bedroom is just a small section of the house. When owning your own home the décor is reflective of your personality. Rumi on Lifestyles & Home Decor Inspiring poet, Rumi tells us we can enhance our lives by surrounding ourselves with beautiful home décor ( Also how you maintain your home reflects your inner situation and the life you live; lifestyle.

When you break down lifestyle it is simple; life and style. What is your style? How are you living your life? Does your style and life become one?