Monday, August 11, 2008

Where do I live again?

I just published a post, but as I was posting it, I sit here surrounded by foreign conversation wondering what country I am living in?!?!

Puzzled I decided to share this oh so delightful experience with you and maybe you might like to elaborate further.

There have be many a times that I have been working in the Hub and find myself constantly surrounded by conversation that can only make me think "what the heck?" Not only is it extremely foreign, but it is extremely loud. Might help if they took there ear phones out so they weren't trying to do two things at once.

Now the whole issue about being able to do two things at once could take me onto a whole other tangent, but I won't.

Any who; back to this foreign bubble that I seem to be encompassed in time and time again.

The fast paced, gibberish, laughter, volume and excitement is somewhat distracting. What I would like to know is: how do they get words and make sense of their language. I don't want to be cynical because if I was to go to their homeland and speak english REALLY loud and excitedly, they might just think the same. BUT then again, most countries these days speak English as their second language.

Do they not realise what they are doing? Or the fact that they are causing a distraction?



Kiwi Pudding said...

You make a very valid point. There have been many a time when I have actually had to turn up my iPod so that I couldn't hear the cackle from my neighbours at the Hub. My glaring looks don't seem to work either.Grr.

And I think no one ever says anything because we are all scared that we will offend them. But would we get this same courtesy, I wonder??

Katrina Beaumont said...

I know what you mean by trying to stear them out. Sometimes I feel as though it is a bit of a battle: Kiwi/English speaking people on one side vs the "other". The ultimate question: Who is going to win?

Is it even about winning though?

Bridget said...

Yeah listening to foreign conversations (loudly) when your trying to study is very distracting. And they also listen to those news websites etc without headphones. Also very distracting. To be fair though, I have also had my study interrupted by loud conversations from young girls about their bebo pages. Maybe its just a hub thing?